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Dr. Phon Narin, Director
Born in 1969, holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Business Administration, Build Bright University, in 2016. He obtained Master of Business at Chamroeun University of Poly-Technology, in 2004, Diploma of Public Administrative Science, Institute of Public Administration (IPA) 1992, Thailand, Certificate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) from Sidney city in 2012, and Graduated Professor of First Cycle of Secondary Education, in 1990, Thailand.
Dr. Narin, Specialized as Professor in high school for 07 years, 1988-1995, and from 1996 onwards, he attended numerous courses and workshops on Microfinance, SMEs, Human Resource Management, and banking in Cambodia and overseas including Thailand, Laos PDR, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Netherland, Australia, Philippine, Paris City France, and Brunei Darussalam, Starting in 1996, he worked with ACLEDA NGO as a Rural Financial Services Program Coordinator, Small Enterprise Promotion Officer (SEPO), Non Collateralized Credit Assistant, Collateralized Credit Assistant, Chief Credit Officer, District Team Leader, Vice President & Branch Manager Takeo province, and Vice President & Deputy Head of Credit Division of ACLEDA Bank Plc., Headquarters, Phnom Penh. From December 2008 he was promoted to Managing Director & CEO and the Board of Director of ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd., As Chief of the Executive Officer, he led the Executive Management Team, which was responsible for overall strategic planning and running the day-to-day business of the organization as well as implementation of the business plan. He was directly accountable to the Board of Directors. His other responsibilities within the Group include being a member of the Board of Directors, Representative for ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd., a member of the Board Credit Committee. Outside ACLEDA he was a member of American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM Laos), a member of the Lao Bankers' Association, and a member of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
He finished his duties as MD & CEO and a Board member of ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd., for over 9 years on December 31, 2017, and became the Managing Director and a member of the Board of Directors of ACLEDA INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS since January 1, 2018 to February 11, 2024. From February 12, 2024 until now, he has been the President of ACLEDA UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS.